Wednesday 23 June 2010

More from the 2010 Alton College BTEC and Foundation show......

There will be more to come, when my camera is charged (Sorry guys, don't take it personally if some of you are missing)! But for now, here they all are, and where it all started!

And then there was Sam - we will all miss him....

Izzy C - Her show was deadly!

Izzy M - She'd make a packet at the festivals this year....

Rosi - our fine feathered friend!

Nat - listen time passes.

Emily - all this knitting practice should come in handy when she needs something warm to wear on the farm!

Geri - a bit of a boudoir babe?

Georgie - giving women a voice and a lot of presence.....

Charlotte - super cute show!

Aston, still far too tanned from Cuba - is also going to be going to uni close by, which I am also really pleased about, so hopefully she will guest blog every so often too!

Arati Subba - A VERY clever girl, and I am very glad that she is staying close by so that I can really keep up with her progress!

So, continuing on from yesterday in my bid to show you what Alton College has to offer in the way of fashion and textiles, I shall continue to show you around our studio show.....

1 comment:

  1. The work was all wonderful. You've been such a talented group across the board and so nice too. Good luck to all of you and make sure you take some time out now to relax for a while.
