Our lovely, lovely technician Brooke left us last week for pastures new, I have no idea how we will cope without her, blimey, she made life so unbelievably bearable it was heavenly, it gets so ridiculously hectic at college that having a willing and cheery pair of hands to deal with the endless organising, screen printing paraphernalia and general chaos makes for a happy and productive student (and staff) body - I hope to goodness that the powers that be can see the benefit of a Brooke and let us replace her with a Sammi.... But Brooke! I will miss you and wish you all the love and luck in the world - now go, go and make us proud!!!!
we will also miss her rather amazing and somewhat experimental baking skills - beetroot brownies and avocado cake were the norm (!) - but this, this magnificent parting gift from her really was a triumph - and yes, OMG, it tasted good - as you can see, by the time I got my camera out it was almost gone, just imagine it whole, piled high with butter cream and fresh strawberries!!!
![Brooke Hilden](https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/211549_510105008_5822604_n.jpg)
Byeeeeee Brooke! XXXXX
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